Dear students, In this article we are providing 4th semester Civil Engg. syllabus for Diploma students. SBTE Bihar Launches new syllabus of 4th semester for session 2020 - 2021 and syllabus is common for upcoming session students. Bihar Polytechnic Students of Civil Engineering branch should study their course by the help of SBTE Syllabus. SBTE Revised Syllabus in 2020 - 21. In this article we are providing Civil Engineering Syllabus for 4th Semester.
4th Semester Civil Engg. Syllabus :
SBTE Bihar releases the 4th sem Civil syllabus on 2 April 2022. New Syllabus is 50 percent different from old syllabus, some topics are added which is in previous 5th Semester and few topics are in 3rd semester. Overall syllabus is good and cover all knownledgable skills for civilian students.
Important Details about Syllabus :
Course Name : Diploma in Civil Engineering
Board Name : State Board of Technical Engineering [SBTE]