Welcome dear Students, In this article we are providing e-books of Communication Skills. Which is read by 1st & 2nd Semester Students of Bihar Polytechnic Engineering.
The book "Communication Skills" is authored by Priyanka Kumari, S Parulekar & B Tiwari and Published by Foundation Publishing House. The book is purely based on SBTE new syllabus. It is also designed as per the latest and revised syllabus of AICTE.
Contents of Book :
Part - A (English)
- Communication : Theory and practice
- Effective communication and communication barriers
- Reading comprehension
- Professional writing
- Vocabulary and grammar
- संप्रेषण : सिद्धांत एवं व्यवहार
- व्यावसायिक उत्कृष्टता हेतु व्यवहार कौशल
- पाठ बोध : परिवर्धन एवं व्याकरण अभ्यास
- लेखन कौशल
- शब्दावली एवं व्याकरण
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